By Eda Isaksson, Nov 19, 2018, 16:00 • 5 minute reading
The 9th annual ATMOsphere Europe 2018 conference took place in Lago di Garda, Italy. Follow our live coverage!
Next up: 'Technology Trends' session where industry's leading experts from @NTNU, Star Refrigeration and ENTROPY Cooling Solutions gave the audience an exclusive in-depth look at the latest technology trends!#GoNatRefs
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
[1/2] “The increase in heat rejection loss and the large temperature glide with CO2 are actually #opportunities to use this natural refrigerant in hot water #HeatPumps." - Armin Hafner, Norwegian University of Science and Technology#GoNatRefs #ATMOEurope
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
[2/2] "This is unique to #CO2, and a heat pump is ideal for this – you can use CO2 for space #heating, #cooling, and to produce hot water.” - Armin Hafner, Norwegian University of Science and Technology#GoNatRefs #ATMOEurope
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
“There is a point where the charge becomes low enough to reduce the safety risk without compromising on system #performance. That’s the sweet spot that contractors are trying to hit for their #customers.” - Andy Pearson, Star Refrigeration#GoNatRefs #ATMOEurope
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
Andy Pearson from Star Refrigeration on ammonia: “There is a fear of ammonia” based on fantasies not fact. The way to minimize the fear of flammability and toxicity is by lowering the charge. #GoNatRefs #ATMOEurope
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
“Hydrocarbons are one of the major long-term refrigerants.”
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
"Energy wise #hydrocarbons are the most #attractive. You gain 10% energy for like, pretty much for #free.” - René van Gerwen, ENTROPY Cooling Solutions#GoNatRefs #ATMOEurope
“The vast majority of future #refrigerants are flammable.”
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
“Flammability is not unique to our #business. We use #flammable substances safely in many other aspects of our lives.” - René van Gerwen, #ENTROPY Cooling Solutions#GoNatRefs #ATMOEurope
“Training is [now] a top priority. Safety remains key.” - René van Gerwen, ENTROPY Cooling Solutions#GoNatRefs #ATMOEurope
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
Brand new session at #ATMOEurope - End User Interview!
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
Laurent Bataille of Gecina talked about implementing NatRefs in #HVAC applications of commercial buildings and his plans to upgrade all their buildings to natural refrigerant-based technologies.#GoNatRefs
"We are the biggest [real estate investment trust] in Europe. We have 200 offices [...] and 6,000 apartments in Paris."-Laurent Bataille, Gecina
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
"We are committed and engaged to a low carbon target" and Gecina wants to make NatRefs part of that reduction.#GoNatRefs #ATMOEurope
The key problem for Gecina is that they don't have space on the roof to put new air-conditioning #technology in their existing #buildings. So he asked the #ATMOEurope how to overcome this problem and retrofit their #Paris buildings with NatRef #HVAC. #GoNatRefs #ATMOEurope
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
"#HFOs are not a preference, not at all." - Laurent Bataille, Gecina
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
Gecina plans to convert HVAC in 50% of its buildings to #NaturalRefrigerants over the next 10-15 years starting next year.#GoNatRefs #ATMOEurope
Welcome to the 9th annual #ATMOEurope 2018!
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
We're off to a good start with over 450 industry leaders in the room!
"We're trying to make sure when we have our ATMOsphere's we have the latest technologies and innovations." - Marc Chasserot, CEO, shecco#GoNatRefs
"2/3 of our events have been held outside #Europe."
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
"What we like about ATMOsphere is we are starting to see crossover between our #events. Its mixing things up." - Marc Chasserot, CEO, shecco#GoNatRefs #ATMOEurope
"The EU F-Gas Regulation has been a major driver for our [NatRef] industry."
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
"Europe has been leading the way but think about the others who are behind."
"I think the transition to NatRefs [for HVAC] will be fast." - Marc Chasserot, CEO, shecco#GoNatRefs #ATMOEurope
Talking about #sheccoBase, Marc Chasserot, @shecco's CEO said "We have worked out over the last 20 years, we have a big [NatRef] #database".#GoNatRefs #ATMOEurope #DataAnalytics
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
"Our last event of 2018. We brought together 1,318 attendees this year. Next year #ATMOEurope will be in Warsaw." - Lydia Matthäus-Wiltink, global events manager, @shecco #GoNatRefs #ATMOEurope
— ATMOsphere (@ATMOEvents) November 19, 2018
"You will find out tomorrow who are the winners for the [Accelerate] awards." - Alvaro de Oña, COO, shecco
Reminder: You can still vote for @AccelerateEU magazine’s 'Innovation of the Year' #award
By Eda Isaksson
Nov 19, 2018, 16:00
By Eda Isaksson
Nov 19, 2018, 16:00
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