Advancing Ozone and Climate Protection Technologies: Next Steps

Jul 21, 2012 - Jul 22, 2012 - in Bangkok, Thailand

This conference will address policy and technical aspects of this transition in the refrigeration, air conditioning and foams sectors. Technical presentations will provide current information on both non-fluorinated and fluorinated alternatives for various applications as well as potential timelines and challenges for continued implementation of these alternatives. In addition, approaches such as reducing charge sizes through advanced technology design, minimizing leaks, and corporate responsibi

This conference will address policy and technical aspects of this transition in the refrigeration, air conditioning and foams sectors. Technical presentations will provide current information on both non-fluorinated and fluorinated alternatives for various applications as well as potential timelines and challenges for continued implementation of these alternatives. In addition, approaches such as reducing charge sizes through advanced technology design, minimizing leaks, and corporate responsibility for refrigerant management will be considered. The conference will also include discussion of policies on HFCs, including those that could be addressed nationally, regionally, and at the international level by the Montreal Protocol.

The conference will include technology discussions of the following topics:

Technical Options
  • Alternative methods and processes (not-in-kind technologies);
  • Alternative substances with lower GWP and similar or better energy efficiency;
  • Equipment and industry sectors in which lower-GWP alternatives are currently available;
  • The important link between energy efficiency enhancements and greenhouse gas emissions reductions in foam insulation and air conditioning and refrigeration equipment;
  • Reducing refrigerant charge sizes and leakage rates where HFCs are being used; The role of improved servicing practices and containment in the reduction of HFC emissions;

Policy/Regulation Options
  • Overcoming barriers to alternatives such as safety issues, component availability, regulations and standards that prevent or discourage the use of certain alternatives, investment and operating costs, supply infrastructure and technician training;
  • Options to overcome barriers to adoption of zero ODP low-GWP refrigerant-based technologies (e.g. learning from successful strategies in overcoming barriers related to energy efficiency); and
  • Corporate responsibility for refrigerant management.


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