The Australian Refrigeration Association (ARA) is a non-profit association comprised of people and organisations that support the Association's objectives particularly from a design, engineering and operating point of view. ARA aims to build a significant membership in all RAC functions and delivers solutions and assistance relevant to all participants in the RAC supply chain including design& assessment, training, commercialisation, installation, operation & maintenance, and disposal.
The association works with other RAC industry peak bodies, RAC user groups and government (all levels) and education & training bodies to achieve these objectives by focusing on the following drivers:
Awareness – make the industry, governments and RAC users aware of the need for a comprehensive strategy for sustainability.
Planning – develop a plan that recognizes the need for industry collaboration and the need for an integrated strategy addressing the following functional dimensions.
Funding – identify ways to fund the significant activities required and the resources and programs required to deliver safe, efficient and sustainable practices.
Documentation – compile and make available the many sources of information required to address each RAC sector including standards, codes of practice, training materials, legislation requirements, and research and development requirements.
Training – develop training systems and resources that address the tens of thousands of people and organisations that will need educational assistance to achieve these outcomes.
Legislation – identify the legislative tools required and the associated enforcement mechanisms. Recommend and gain the support of the Federal, State and Local Governments recognising the need for nationally consistent policies and practices.
R&D – identify the priorities for R&D by sector and programs to address these research needs by accessing both international achievements and domestic research capability.