Seeking innovative case studies to present at ATMOsphere America 2015 

By Pilar Aleu, Dec 16, 2014, 17:43 3 minute reading

ATMOsphere America 2015 returns to Atlanta, Georgia, to once again serve as THE forum for HVAC&R professionals to present their latest natural refrigerant technology developments and projects in North America. The ATMOsphere Review Board has issued an official call for case studies for the event and will be accepting abstract submissions until 01 April 2015. ATMOsphere America 2015 is also running a special holiday promotion on ticket sales.

With 300 – 350 participants from around the world expected to attend, the fourth edition of ATMOsphere America presents an excellent forum for industry professionals to showcase their latest HVAC&R projects and technology advances working with natural refrigerants.

The ATMOsphere Review Board is now accepting innovative natural refrigerant case studies applicable to the North American market for a variety of applications, including commercial, light commercial, industrial & transport refrigeration, heat pumps, air conditioning and more. The deadline for submitting a case study abstract is 01 April 2015.

Areas of application
  • Commercial & light commercial refrigeration
  • Industrial refrigeration
  • Transport refrigeration
  • Air conditioning (mobile & stationary)
  • Heat pumps
  • New areas of application

Case study theme and focus

The ATMOsphere Review Board is now accepting innovative, natural refrigerant based technology case studies for presentation at the 4th annual ATMOsphere America, which will take place on 25 & 26 June 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia. Case study abstracts must be centered in North America or specifically state their relevance to the North American market.

Case studies should present completed or ongoing projects, best practices and lessons learned in the field of natural refrigerants (CO2, ammonia, hydrocarbons, air and water). They should provide and analyze real life results relating to the energy efficiency, cost benefits and reliability of an HVAC&R technology/project using one or multiple natural refrigerants.

Purely commercial or product focused case studies will not be accepted.

Abstract submission criteria

The information provided in the abstract will be used to publicly market the case study if it is chosen for ATMOsphere America 2015.

All abstract submissions must include reference to the following points:

  • Sustainable: The case study should address the potential of natural refrigerant technology
  • Replicable: Lessons learned that could be applied to other projects in North America
  • Original: Technology innovations, research results that have not been shown elsewhere, new fields of application, etc.
  • Tangible: Examples of real life installations and/or demonstration projects, laboratory testing with tangible results, etc.
  • Efficiency analysis: Analysis of how the refrigerant influences the Coefficient of Performance (COP), comparison of different systems or parameters, etc.
  • Cost analysis: energy costs, operational costs, planning and installation costs, life cycle costs

Author, content and format guidelines

Case studies that do not respect the specific submission guidelines below may not be considered.

The following details must be included in the abstract:
  • Author’s and/or presenter’s full name, organization and email address
  • Case study title
  • An abstract (paragraph of at least 5 sentences)
  • Keywords
  • Relevance to the North American market

Presentation at the event

Presenters should plan for 12 minutes presentation time + 3 minutes for Q&A. A draft presentation in keynote or power point will need to be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event (10 June 2015).

Speaker discount

All case study presenters are entitled to a 50% discounted speaker rate for ATMOsphere America 2015. Speakers will not be able to register using this category until they receive an official confirmation that the case study has been selected.

Abstract submission

Case study abstracts can be submitted via email to indicating “ATMOsphere America 2015” in the subject line and in the case study itself.

The deadline for submitting a case study abstract is Friday, 01 April 2015.


ATMOsphere America 2015 is offering a 25% off Holiday Special ($640 instead of the standard $850 rate), which will run until 10 January 2015. To register please visit

General information about the event can be found at


By Pilar Aleu

Dec 16, 2014, 17:43

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