By Silvia Scaldaferri, Jun 24, 2014, 18:29 • 4 minute reading
At the most well received ATMOsphere America conference to date, 250 industry experts gathered to discuss the future of natural refrigerants in North America. Red Bull, McDonald’s and The Coca Cola Company shared their progress in the implementation of hydrocarbon refrigerants (HC) and highlighted what is needed in order for them to move forward: innovation at cost parity and building a cohesive and sustainable supply chain. Around 1.5 million pieces of refrigerated equipment used by McDon
It was not initially approved because no one specifically asked. We [the industry] want to be more proactive and make sure this doesn't happen again," said Dunn.
Besides cost, other considerations for McDonald’s include improved energy efficiency, and having a service infrastructure in place.We need innovations that are at cost-parity with current solutions,” he said, stating that the company is looking for pricing within 10% of the HFC structure. “If we had all of our competitors side-by-side with us we could drive market innovation. We can’t do this alone.”
Last year we placed 40% more HFC-free cabinets than we did the year before, so we are starting to accelerate,” said Steven Cousins, Equipment Quality Manager for The Coca-Cola Company. “To The Coca-Cola Company, HFC-free means natural refrigerants,” he said. The previous refrigerant used was R134a.
To drive success we need the entire supply chain to work together; we need regulatory standards and we need greater efficiencies in technologies. This will allow us to purchase more CO2 equipment,” he added.
Jun 24, 2014, 18:29
Jun 24, 2014, 18:29
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