2nd IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain

Apr 02, 2013 - Apr 04, 2013 - in Paris, France

Cold chain and Sustainability: important contemporary stakes

The global population reached over 7 billion in 2011. To feed the planet, the cold chain has to be developed all over the world in order to save harvests, avoid waste, and allow the development of a new way of life in Asia and in Africa. At the same time, the addressing of environmental issues is increasingly vital, and efforts implemented to reduce the impact of refrigeration on the environment have to be pursued.

Cold chain and Sustainability: important contemporary stakes

The global population reached over 7 billion in 2011. To feed the planet, the cold chain has to be developed all over the world in order to save harvests, avoid waste, and allow the development of a new way of life in Asia and in Africa. At the same time, the addressing of environmental issues is increasingly vital, and efforts implemented to reduce the impact of refrigeration on the environment have to be pursued.

An international conference bringing specialists from the whole world

Refrigeration specialists from various countries, companies, organizations and universities in all parts of the world will take advantage of this forum in order to present and share their ideas, views, discoveries and perceptions of the refrigeration world. The IIR’s work has made it possible to create a world in which refrigeration solutions play an increasingly vital role and the quality of life, food hygiene and food safety have improved constantly, and the impact of refrigeration on global warming is decreasing day after day.
Within the framework of their work conducted in cooperation with the IIR (International Institute of refrigeration), AFF (Association Française du Froid – French Refrigeration Association), Irstea (ex-Cemagref) and Cemafroid are in charge of organizing the 2nd International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain.
This conference follows that organized in Cambridge, UK, in 2010, which was a resounding success with more than 200 participants.


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