The 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration

Aug 24, 2019 - Aug 30, 2019 - in Montréal, Canada

The congress, organised every four years by the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), takes place from August 24-30, 2019 in Montreal.

A tradition for over a century, the IIR International Congresses of Refrigeration bring together scientists, researchers, engineers and technicians from around the world every 4 years. The ICR 2019 Congress, taking place from August 24-30, is the next stop on the journey. The theme, "Refrigeration for Human Health and Future Prosperity”, befits the host city of Montreal, where the original Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer (such as CFCs and HFCs) was signed.

Over 1,000 abstracts have been received, underlining the strong participation that is a hallmark of all ICR Congresses. The focus will be on the current issues the world is facing: energy saving and energy efficiency, food supply, health, reduction of global warming, and the protection of the ozone layer. 

Over 1,000 participants are expected to gather at ICR2019. Registration opens in early 2019—plan to be there!


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