Energy efficiency in Vienna spotlight at OEWG

The parties to the Montreal Protocol met this week in Vienna to discuss the energy-efficiency opportunities of phasing down HFCs.

The Parties to the Montreal Protocol are meeting this week in Vienna.

The global HFC phasedown taking place under the Kigali Amendment represents an opportunity to improve the energy efficiency of HVAC&R systems, heard a workshop held in Austrian capital Vienna ahead of a Montreal Protocol meeting this week.

“The HFC phasedown can prompt the entire redesign of a system, leading to big opportunities for energy efficiency. Combining both will lead to wider benefits for social and economic development throughout the world,” said Gabrielle Dreyfuss from the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP), a philanthropic programme to support the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.

The workshop, held on 9-10 July, was organised by the United Nations ahead of the 40th Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (OEWG) in Vienna, Austria (11-14 July).

The Parties to the Montreal Protocol – an international treaty in place since 1987 to phase out and/or phase down ozone-depleting substances used as refrigerants (CFCs, HCFCs, and since 2016, HFCs) – gather twice a year to monitor, identify barriers to and take decisions regarding the implementation of what has become one of the world’s most successful international environmental treaties.

The HFC phasedown can prompt the entire redesign of a system, leading to big opportunities for energy efficiency.
– Gabrielle Dreyfus, K-CEP

Seizing energy-efficiency opportunities

The workshop, entitled ‘Energy efficiency opportunities while phasing down hydrofluorocarbons’, showcased the technology potential, market trends and policy recommendations to enable the Parties to the Montreal Protocol to support more energy efficient, lower GWP refrigerant-based equipment.

David Schalenbourg from Delhaize Belgium and Jonathan Li from Midea Group shared their positive experiences with natural refrigerants with delegates with regards to energy gains, compliance with the HFC phasedown and sustainability.

“30% of our installations run on natural refrigerants. This choice was made due to the energy efficiency of such technology, and to lower our carbon emissions. In Europe, CO2 installations are almost at price parity with standard equipment,” said Schalenbourg, director of department – building projects, format & maintenance at the Belgian retailer.

“We don’t have any other option than R290 for room air-conditioners if we want to comply with f-gas policies and energy efficiency needs while staying competitive,” said Li from Midea.

Both speakers highlighted the significant energy gains when adopting CO 2 and propane-based equipment.

A summary of the discussions will be submitted to the Parties to the Montreal Protocol at the OEWG following the workshop.

By Marie Battesti

Jul 11, 2018, 12:40

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