Carrier targets compact stores with space-saving freezer solution

By James Ranson, Feb 04, 2015, 11:11 1 minute reading

In response to the rapid growth of smaller supermarkets and convenience stores in Europe, Carrier has launched its hydrocarbon compatible Velando Compact Spaces (CS) freezer. The advanced solution offers retailers a modern, compact design, superb energy efficiency and is available in both plug-in and remote configurations.

More than ever small stores with restricted floor space are turning to natural refrigerant solutions that meet their high customer frequency and constantly evolving product range.

The Velando CS tackles these demands head on and it’s clear the team at Carrier have thought long and hard about maximising product visibility, providing ease of installation and ensuring a consistent store layout.

As part of the company’s latest Carrier Small Store refrigeration concept, a ‘program that offers solutions for the specific conditions and requirements of small-store formats’, Carrier has targeted the evolving demands of these retailers, who require increasingly flexible equipment and optimised presentation of food in confined spaces.

“Small stores that require a higher degree of flexibility in their freezer solutions will find everything they’re looking for in the Velando Compact Space freezer —increased floor space productivity, energy efficiency and better product display,” said Carrier’s director of the Small Store Program, Stefan Hemschemeier.

With a depth of just 770mm, the Velando freezer comes with a large glass surface and optional panorama sidewalls, giving the retailer more visibility options. The plug-in freezer uses the low-GWP R290 (propane) refrigerant but when paired with Carrier’s CO2OLtec® remote control system, the Velando CS utilises CO2, which has a GWP of one. Both options highlight a future-proof and EU-F-Gas-compliant freezer solution.

Both models come equipped with energy-saving fans, electronic temperature control, optional LED lighting and non-heated doors for maximum efficiency.

About Carrier 

Carrier is known worldwide for developing sustainable solutions, integrating energy-efficient products, building controls and energy services for residential, commercial, retail, transport and food service customers. Carrier's innovative CO2OLtec system has been installed in over 870 stores in Europe, and provides an environmentally sustainable solution for all retail store formats.


By James Ranson

Feb 04, 2015, 11:11

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