Variable speed compressors answering efficiency regulation

Pedro Olalla of Huayi Compressors Barcelona said at Chillventa 2016 that demand for propane-based variable speed compressors is increasing in response to regulatory change and to reduce costs.

Huayi at Chillventa

“In the US with the new regulation [DOE energy conservation standards], a lot of customers are worried about energy efficiency. They believe the only way to meet these energy standards is with variable speed,” said Olalla, sales director at Huayi Compressors Barcelona S.L.

Huayi has launched variable speed compressor models for propane and isobutene – more will be launched in the coming year, when they will expand into their whole capacity range. Their factory in China exclusively makes R600a models. 

At the end of the day people are looking at propane. It’s the best alternative.”
- Pedro Olalla, Huayi Compressors Barcelona

“Honestly, the US is more complicated than Europe. They have different DOE, SNAP and energy regulations. So people are looking at different ways to meet their regulations – but at the end of the day people are looking at propane […]. It’s the best alternative, and step-by-step there are even more interested,” Olalla said.

The hydrocarbon market is also beginning to develop in Latin America, he said: “Some end users are pushing their supplier and our customer [in Latin America] want to use hydrocarbons in their cabinets.”

Refrigerant charge needs to change

“There was a lot of discussion at the end of this year about changing the refrigerant charge, and this is key to extending the use of propane,” he said.

At the moment, the standard in Europe and the US is 150g for hydrocarbons but this may change in the future. “If it moves from 150g to 500g or 350g, this challenge of refrigerant charge for some types of application would be solved. There would be no challenge in light commerical applications for hydrocarbons,” he explained.

By Charlotte McLaughlin

Oct 24, 2016, 10:06

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