2011 German Refrigeration Awards: call extended

By Sabine Lobnig, Jan 19, 2011, 13:34 2 minute reading

For the third year, the German government will be rewarding innovative and climate friendly RAC solutions under the ‘German Refrigeration Awards’, a contest that already counts several hydrocarbon and other natural refrigerant winners in previous editions. Applications are now accepted until 22 February 2011.

Being part of the German national climate protection initiative, the ‘3rd German Refrigeration Awards’ intends to give an impulse to the development, application and combination of highly efficient components, climate friendly refrigerants and innovative concepts.

In Spring 2011, €52,500 will be attributed to the first three places in three categories, with the prize money ranging from €2,500 to €10,000.

Companies are invited to submit their applications until 22 February 2011 (extended from 31 January 2011 initially) in the following three categories:
  • climate friendly air-conditioning of commercial buildings
  • climate friendly use of refrigerating machines in food production
  • other climate friendly refrigerant applications
The application documents can be accessed through www.co2online.de/kaelte and have to be submitted to Kaeltepreis@co2online.de

Hydrocarbon winners in 2009

Hydrocarbon systems gained two out of a total of nine awards with prizes totaling €52.500 that were awarded in December 2009 in the context of the previous edition of the “German Refrigeration Awards 2009”.

The 2nd place in the category “Highly efficient refrigeration systems with halogen-free refrigerants” went to German system manufacturer FUTRON GmbH for its integrated supermarket refrigeration and heating system using propane as the refrigerant.

Austrian-based company AHT Cooling Systems received the 3rd place in the “Refrigeration Management Systems” category for its propane (R290) AHT VS system in which special speed-controlled compressors are used to ensure, with the help of ultramodern controller technologies, high energy savings potential of more than 25% compared to conventional ready-to-use refrigerators and freezers.


The German government aims at reducing electric power consumption by 11% until 2020. Refrigeration and air-conditioning appliances consume around 15% of energy for electrical end-use in Germany. The potential for energy savings are considerably higher than in other technical areas, reaching from an average 35% up to 60%. The German government therefore launched for the 3rd time the refrigeration award to encourage industry and business to come up with convincing solutions.  


By Sabine Lobnig

Jan 19, 2011, 13:34

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