ZeroCarbonBritain 2030: A new Energy Strategy

The report by the UK's Centre for Alternative Technology offers a roadmap for addressing carbon emissions in the UK. It argues that not only does the UK have a responsibility to take leadership in the international process of decarbonisation, but that it is possible to go beyond the national commitment to cut emissions by 80% by 2050 compared to 1990. It proposes a 90% reduction by 2030, which will be possible thanks to applying heat pumps at a large scale and reducing f-gas emissions among othe

The report by the UK's Centre for Alternative Technology offers a roadmap for addressing carbon emissions in the UK. It argues that not only does the UK have a responsibility to take leadership in the international process of decarbonisation, but that it is possible to go beyond the national commitment to cut emissions by 80% by 2050 compared to 1990. It proposes a 90% reduction by 2030, which will be possible thanks to applying heat pumps at a large scale and reducing f-gas emissions among other measures.


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