The Emissions Gap Report 2013 - A UNEP Synthesis Report

published Nov 07, 2013 - 64 pages

Should the global community not immediately embark on wide-ranging actions to narrow the greenhouse gas emissions gap, the chance of remaining on the least-cost path to keeping global temperature rise below 2°C this century will swiftly diminish and open the door to a host of challenges. This is the conclusion of the  Emissions Gap Report 2013 published by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The Report finds that although pathways exist that could reach the 2oC target with higher

Should the global community not immediately embark on wide-ranging actions to narrow the greenhouse gas emissions gap, the chance of remaining on the least-cost path to keeping global temperature rise below 2°C this century will swiftly diminish and open the door to a host of challenges. This is the conclusion of the  Emissions Gap Report 2013 published by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The Report finds that although pathways exist that could reach the 2oC target with higher emissions, not narrowing the gap will exacerbate mitigation challenges after 2020.


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