23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration

Aug 21, 2011 - Aug 26, 2011 - in Prague, Czech Republic

The International Institute of Refrigeration is the only independent intergovernmental organization which promotes knowledge of refrigeration and associated technologies that are necessary for life in a science-based, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner including:

  • Food quality and safety from farm to consumer as well as comfort in homes and commercial buildings
  • Health products and services, cryology and energy efficiency
  • Use of

The International Institute of Refrigeration is the only independent intergovernmental organization which promotes knowledge of refrigeration and associated technologies that are necessary for life in a science-based, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner including:
  • Food quality and safety from farm to consumer as well as comfort in homes and commercial buildings
  • Health products and services, cryology and energy efficiency
  • Use of non-ozone depleting and low global warming refrigerants in a safe manner.
IIR congresses are milestone events held once every 4 years, bringing together very large numbers of refrigeration stakeholders from all parts of the world.


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