AREA Industry Association Launches Vision 2025

By Tine Stausholm, Oct 11, 2019, 12:09 1 minute reading

Addressing challenges the HVAC&R industry faces in the next five years, and beyond.

Parc Cinquantenaire in Brussels. Image: Dimitris Vetsikas.

The Air conditioning and Refrigeration European Association (AREA) launched its strategic ‘Vision 2025’ plan at a reception at the Residence Palace in Brussels on October 10. The vision seeks to address challenges the HVAC&R industry is facing in the next five years and beyond. These challenges include rapid digitalization, the need for qualified personnel, and the ongoing climate change adaptation. 

"Europe wants to be the example for all the world," AREA President Marco Buoni said while detailing his plans for the future.

Speaking of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, Buoni said that AREA is committed to help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by supporting the transition towards alternative refrigerants. Specifically, AREA will implement the following initiatives:

  • Tackling refrigerant availability and illegal trade;
  • Promoting mandatory certification for alternative refrigerants; and
  • Supporting a balanced approach between environmental effectiveness and safety imperatives.

Buoni further detailed how AREA will support the general decarbonisation of the HVAC&R industry by promoting energy efficiency through system design and life-cycle assessments.

Europe wants to be the example for all the world," - Marco Buoni, AREA President

Other speakers at the launch event included Carlo Fidanza, Member of the European Parliament; and Bente Tranholm-Schwarz, Deputy Head of Unit at the European Union’s Directorate General CLIMA.

Fidanza said that the transformation to natural refrigerants “needs to be stronger supported by politicians and institutions," while Tranholm-Schwarz stated that the incoming Commission is committed to step up the climate efforts and increase the current goal of a 40% reduction of GHGs by 2030 to at least 50%. 

Tranholm-Schwarz also said the incoming Commission is looking to review the EU F-Gas legislation sooner than currently planned.

AREA was established in 1989. The organization represents 13,000 companies, employing 110,000 people, from 22 different countries.

By Tine Stausholm (@TStausholm)

Oct 11, 2019, 12:09

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