Soon in the US and beyond: Compressors with hydrocarbon blend R441a

By Sabine Lobnig, Mar 23, 2011, 09:21 2 minute reading

New bronze partner ComStar International Inc. has announced that together with its Chinese joint venture company it will begin offering safety certified compressors in the U.S. and overseas markets using hydrocarbon blend refrigerant R441a. ComStar is the exclusive U.S. manufacturer and distributor of R441a licensed by A.S. Trust & Holdings, Inc. and Richard Maruya, the refrigerant inventor.

Targeting residential refrigerator and air conditioning applications, the hydrocarbon compressors will be manufactured in China by Hangzhou Maidi Heating & Refrigerating Equipment Co. Ltd under the Silekan brand name.

“[…] it is inevitable that hydrocarbon refrigerants are on the verge of coming into the U.S. market”, said Steven P. Mella, ComStar’s CEO. “As a result, ComStar has entered into agreements with Mr. Richard Maruya, the creator of R441a (also known as HCR188C), to manufacture and distribute his blended hydrocarbon refrigerant”.

In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to finalise this year a rule that will allow HCR188C to be used in household refrigerators and freezers.

Tested for safety standard compliance and energy performance

ComStar endeavours all their hydrocarbon compressors to receive ETL certification according to OEM specifications. Receiving the ETL Listed Mark from product testing and certification company Intertek will serve as proof of product compliance to North American safety standards (electrical, gas and other safety standards). A product bearing the ETL Listed Mark is determined to have met the minimum requirements of prescribed product safety standards. The mark also indicates that the manufacturer's production site conforms to a range of compliance measures and is subject to periodic follow-up inspections to verify continued conformance.

Moreover, energy consumption and performance testing of residential refrigerators with R441a is to take place during March 2011 under the ENERGY STAR programme. ENERGY STAR qualified refrigerators are required to use at least 20% less energy than models not labeled with the ENERGY STAR logo.

Meeting the 20% energy consumption improvement required by ENERGY STAR is not expected to pose a challenge, as according to ComStar, energy performance tests with R441a domestic refrigerators have shown a 48% decrease in power consumption when compared to refrigerators operating with R134a. Energy performance tests in air conditioners and other appliances have shown similar energy savings.

About ComStar and A.S Trust & Holdings

ComStar International Inc., a New York based company, develops, manufactures and markets environmentally safe, industrial strength chemical products. It has entered into agreements with A.S. Trust & Holdings and Mr. Richard Maruya, the inventor of R441a (HCR188C), to manufacture and distribute the blended hydrocarbon refrigerant.

Contact Information

If you would like to contact ComStar for any enquiries, you may send a request to Steven Mella directly.

If you would like to contact A.S. Trust & Holdings for any enquiries, you may send a request to Richard Maruya directly.



By Sabine Lobnig

Mar 23, 2011, 09:21

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