UK Consultation Outcome - Renewable Heat Incentive: The first step to transforming the way we heat our homes

published Jul 16, 2013 - 34 pages

On 20 September 2012, Government published its consultation ‘Renewable Heat Incentive: Consultation on Proposals for a Domestic Scheme’. The document posed 75 questions on a range of topics from scheme design to improving technical performance and over 400 responses were received from industry, the public sector and homeowners. A series of regional and technical workshops were also held to gather further feedback on specific elements of the policy. The Government response to the cons

On 20 September 2012, Government published its consultation ‘Renewable Heat Incentive: Consultation on Proposals for a Domestic Scheme’. The document posed 75 questions on a range of topics from scheme design to improving technical performance and over 400 responses were received from industry, the public sector and homeowners. A series of regional and technical workshops were also held to gather further feedback on specific elements of the policy. The Government response to the consultation has now been published, alongside the policy document ‘Renewable Heat Incentive: the first step to transforming the way we heat our homes’. This sets out the framework for providing longer term financial support to households for the installation of renewable heating technologies under the domestic RHI scheme.


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