Natural Solutions Market Potential in Developing Countries & Beyond - UNIDO ATMOsphere Technology Summit

published Jun 05, 2013 - 40 pages

Nina Masson's presentation starts by reviewing the application potential for natural refrigerants, using infographics from shecco's "GUIDE" publications. shecco's Market Research department will publish a new GUIDE in collaboration with UNIDO, for which they have created an online survey to collect data. In previous shecco surveys a lack of financial support and higher upfront costs have been identifed as the most significant market barrier for natural refriegrant uptake, followed clos

Nina Masson's presentation starts by reviewing the application potential for natural refrigerants, using infographics from shecco's "GUIDE" publications. shecco's Market Research department will publish a new GUIDE in collaboration with UNIDO, for which they have created an online survey to collect data. In previous shecco surveys a lack of financial support and higher upfront costs have been identifed as the most significant market barrier for natural refriegrant uptake, followed closely by training and know-how, and standards. Projects from around the world addressing these issues are highlighted. Estimations of the numbers of CO2 installations in different coutnries around the world are also looked at.


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