EU Ecolabel for food retail stores

By shecco, published Nov 04, 2016 - 28 pages

SuperSmart- Report 7

This report is part of the training material developed for the second Work Package (WP2) in the SuperSmart project and covers the topic of “EU Ecolabel for food retail stores”. One of the goals in the SuperSmart project is to prepare two underlying documents to support the proposal for an EU Ecolabel for food retail stores which will be submitted to the European Commission within the project duration.

 In this report, information on the EU Ecolabel, the efforts what the development of an EU Ecolabel requires in general, and what the SuperSmart project aims to do to develop an EU Ecolabel for food retail stores, is given. Examples of existing ecolabels for food retail stores and their requirements are included in addition to case examples and golden rules.


EU Ecolabel for food retail stores-Report 7

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