Consumer Goods Forum: Consumer Communications glossary

published Feb 17, 2012 - 32 pages

The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) has published a glossary of commonly used terms that businesses can use to describe their environmental sustainability efforts and achievements. “The Glossary,” provides a common way for companies across the industry to communicate between each other and to consumers using commonly defined and understood terms such as life cycle assessment, sustainable sourcing, natural refrigerants and recyclable. The Consumer Goods Forum members will use this glossary

The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) has published a glossary of commonly used terms that businesses can use to describe their environmental sustainability efforts and achievements. “The Glossary,” provides a common way for companies across the industry to communicate between each other and to consumers using commonly defined and understood terms such as life cycle assessment, sustainable sourcing, natural refrigerants and recyclable. The Consumer Goods Forum members will use this glossary for consumer and company-to-company communication.


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