Clare Perry: EIA perspective on opportunities for natural refrigerants with global HFC phase-down agreement

By Baltimore Aircoil Company, published Jul 24, 2015 - 10 pages

Clare Perry spoke of the clear benefits of natural refrigerants under the back-drop of the HCFC phase down. Perry also singled out the progress China is making in breaking the tradition of fluorinated gases through the presentation of their catalogue of recommended substitutes for HCFCs. Perry complemented this list with a plethora of supermarket retailers’ assertions that natural refrigerants are the future-proof choice for the industry, including South Africa’s Woolworths chain.

Clare Perry spoke of the clear benefits of natural refrigerants under the back-drop of the HCFC phase down. Perry also singled out the progress China is making in breaking the tradition of fluorinated gases through the presentation of their catalogue of recommended substitutes for HCFCs. Perry complemented this list with a plethora of supermarket retailers’ assertions that natural refrigerants are the future-proof choice for the industry, including South Africa’s Woolworths chain.


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