Ultra Eco-Ice System - Innovative solution for Japanese supermarkets

published Feb 20, 2014 - 16 pages

For the supermarkets with total floor space of about 3,000 m2, the major scale of Japanese retail food stores, the energy consumption is 3 times of general office buildings. For these supermarkets, the usage of the refrigerants (HFCs), which are non-Ozone layer destruction refrigerant, but high GWP, is increasing. Therefore, due to the phase out HCFCs, a new refrigerant and a new system are needed. YAMATO CO. Ltd., then, introduces a new system that reduces TEWI. This system is cal

For the supermarkets with total floor space of about 3,000 m2, the major scale of Japanese retail food stores, the energy consumption is 3 times of general office buildings. For these supermarkets, the usage of the refrigerants (HFCs), which are non-Ozone layer destruction refrigerant, but high GWP, is increasing. Therefore, due to the phase out HCFCs, a new refrigerant and a new system are needed. YAMATO CO. Ltd., then, introduces a new system that reduces TEWI. This system is called “Ultra Eco-Ice System”, the thermal source equipments for refrigeration equipment and air-conditioner equipment are unified, and accumulate the energy with low-temperature ice (brine-ice) during nighttime and melt them during daytime, then use the cold energy.


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