CTA: Customers want 'future-proof' propane air con

The French market for propane chillers will grow with increased end-user demand for sustainable air conditioning, according to French firm CTA Holding.

Céline Perez, owner and co-director, CTA Holding, at Sifa 2018.

Demand for air conditioning based on natural refrigerant propane (R290) is growing in France as end users look to improve the sustainability of the cold chain, Céline Perez, owner and co-director of French chiller manufacturer CTA Holding, told hydrocarbons21.com in an exclusive interview.

“People investing in a chiller today want it to last for 20 years. They want to make sure they won’t have to change it – with propane it’s easy, because it’s future-proof,” said Perez, speaking at the Sifa tradeshow in Lyon, France (28-29 November).

CTA has been working with propane chillers for over 10 years. “This market will grow,” Perez predicted.

Customer demand for connectivity and intelligent products is sweeping the manufacturing sector worldwide, and HVAC&R is no different in this respect, according to the CTA boss. This is a trend that her company is keen to tap into.

“We help end users to put artificial intelligence into their systems that allow them to see electricity consumption and receive feedback from each component,” Perez said.

“We’re working on fully integrated solutions,” she added.

By Andrew Williams

Dec 11, 2018, 18:05

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