ATMO Ibérica discusses NatRef ‘evolution’ in Spain, Portugal

By Dario Belluomini, Sep 18, 2018, 10:25 2 minute reading

Madrid is today hosting Spanish and Portuguese HVAC&R stakeholders for the second edition of the ATMOsphere Ibérica conference.

Natural refrigerants are the focal points of discussion today in Madrid during the second edition of ATMOsphere Ibérica, an event focused on the opportunities and challenges for these HFC alternatives on the Iberian Peninsula. 

"All the sectors in the HVAC&R industry play in the same team: everybody has to take some measures to favour the final success of the transition to sustainable alternatives to HFCs," argued Arno Kaschl of the European Commission in his opening speech.

Some 150 participants are hearing about the latest news on market trends, training, regulation and standards. The remarkable novelty of this year is an interactive workshop, World Café-style, where event participants take an active role and discuss topics related to commercial and industrial refrigeration.

A packed programme

Speakers from UNIDO, the European Commission, Spanish sustainable development organisation ECODES, and the Spanish Agency for Climate Change are presenting the latest HVAC&R trends in the areas of policy, regulation and standards, as well as the PIMA Frío subsidy scheme.

AEFYT, Carrier and shecco are presenting market developments on the Iberian Peninsula. Event organiser shecco is also taking the opportunity to present sheccoBase Ibérica, the recently launched news bulletin in Spanish covering news from Spain and Portugal.

There is also a session dedicated to training, one of the key themes in the use and maintenance of natural refrigerants-based systems, with speakers from CNI, IES Llombai and Beijer ECR Ibérica.

Case studies about interesting technological developments and applications for natural refrigerants are the subject of the last two sessions in the afternoon.

All the sectors in the HVAC&R industry play in the same team: everybody has to take some measures to favour the final success of the transition to sustainable alternatives to HFCs.
– Arno Kaschl, European Commission

Industry is moving

“The second edition of ATMOsphere Ibérica is a good moment to gauge the evolution of the sector in the last year,” said Alvaro de Oña, COO and Head of Media at shecco. “We observe an important evolution in the quantity and quality of the systems using natural refrigerants in Spain and Portugal. We hope this event will help to share experiences and create opportunities.”

The conference has attracted the attention of local stakeholders from the HVAC&R industry, end users, academia, NGOs and the public sector. 150 participants will attend from more than 60 organisations.

By Dario Belluomini

Sep 18, 2018, 10:25

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