Nidec compressor wins China Refrigeration award

Compressor manufacturer Nidec has won an ‘Innovation Product’ award at China Refrigeration for its NLV12.6CN propane model.

The compressor with its China Refrigeration award. Photo credit: Ben Beech.

Compressor manufacturer Nidec this week won a prestigious ‘Innovation Product’ award at China Refrigeration this week for its newly launched variable-speed compressor operating with natural refrigerant propane (R290).

The NLV12.6CN dual frequency (50/60Hz) variable-speed compressor is on display at Nidec Compressors (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.’s booth at the leading HVAC&R tradeshow, taking place at the New China International Exhibition Center in Beijing on 9-11 April.

“The advantage for the customer is that they don’t need to buy more products. They can use the same product to cover different cooling capacities,” Lily Li, senior director of global business development and marketing at Nidec, told in an exclusive interview.

Li cited low noise and vibration levels, better temperature control, and reduced inventory costs among the benefits of the new compressor model. Its dual frequency allows it to be used in different regions and different applications.

“We have the highest efficiency you can find on the market at the moment,” Li said. “This is the star product in our portfolio.”

A crucial feature of the Innovation Award-winning solution is the controller, which serves the system as well as the compressor itself. “The controller gives you a choice,” said Li. Compatible with different world regions, it can program the compression cycle and provide operating data.

This is the star product in our portfolio.
– Lily Li, Nidec 

Efficiency regulations triggering NatRef interest

New government regulations on energy efficiency are triggering increased interest in Nidec’s natural refrigerant portfolio here in China, Li said. She cited full compliance with these regulations among the benefits of the new model.

“For sure this will be a star product in China,” Li said.

To help inform the HVAC&R market of the benefits of adopting natural refrigerant-based solutions, Nidec Compressors (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. has been organising a roadshow in China for the last three years, with another to come this year.

“This is really helping us to open up the market and raise awareness of propane, particularly variable speed,” said Li. “The roadshows help us inform the customer that propane is not dangerous, and offers many benefits.”

By Andrew Williams

Apr 11, 2018, 05:35

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