ATMOsphere Australia unveils final hydrocarbons case study

By Andreea-Mădălina Târcă, Mar 20, 2017, 17:30 1 minute reading

The ATMOsphere Review Panel has selected the final hydrocarbons case study, from EcoChill, to be presented at ATMOsphere Australia 2017.

Taking place in Luna Park, Sydney on 2 May, ATMOsphere Australia 2017 represents a unique opportunity to connect with more than 180 HVAC&R stakeholders, policymakers, end users and many more industry professionals.

Topics include updates on regulations and standards in Australia and New Zealand, training, and the newest technology trends.

The new presentation is:

EcoChill: Perfecting Produce – The success of hydrocarbon systems in the produce distribution industry in New Zealand by Matthew Darby

The successful and rapid uptake of hydrocarbon systems within the New Zealand produce distribution sector has been driven by an understanding of the overall commercial opportunities that hydrocarbon systems can provide – while also being highly efficient refrigeration solutions.

This case study will examine the use of hydrocarbon systems in the produce distribution sector and the benefits they have provided against traditional systems. The study will aim to provide an understanding of how the mentality has shifted from “build a box and make it cold” to seeing the actual competitive advantages of natural refrigeration solutions.

To join the conversation, register today or click here for more information. We look forward to welcoming you!

By Andreea-Mădălina Târcă

Mar 20, 2017, 17:30

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