Refrigeration 2017: AIRAH launches call for papers

By Andrew Williams, Nov 09, 2016, 14:59 1 minute reading

Australian trade association AIRAH has launched a call for abstracts ahead of its ‘Refrigeration 2017’ conference.

Refrigeration 2017 will take place in Melbourne

Refrigeration 2017, hosted by the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) in Melbourne on 27-28 March 2017, will focus on the state of Australia’s HVAC&R industry, the country’s contribution to the global HFC phase-down, and challenges initiated by the nation’s ratification of the Paris Agreement on climate change. Participants will discuss how all this will affect educators, legislators, regulators, end users, engineers, consultants and technicians.

“The AIRAH Refrigeration 2017 conference will explore how industry needs to continue to adapt to the very far-reaching developments resulting from the COP21 ratification,” said AIRAH CEO Tony Gleeson.

“The conference will also delve into how we as an industry move towards clients being more committed to achieving greater levels of energy efficiency and emission reduction,” Gleeson added.

The conference committee is calling for abstracts on an array of subjects, including but not limited to:

  • New technologies, research and trends – natural refrigerants, synthetic refrigerants, geothermal and non-vapour compression cycle.
  • Case studies – of particular interest are projects featuring replacement of HFCs and HCFCs with natural refrigerants or with low-GWP synthetic gases.
  • Legislation/standards – developments in Australia and internationally.
  • Safety and compliance.
  • International market developments, particularly in the US and Europe.
  • Energy efficiency and the refrigeration industry.
By submitting an abstract, speakers are also agreeing to submit a technical paper and/or PowerPoint presentation before the conference, should their application to present be successful. The conference committee has the final say on accepted presentations.

All submissions must also include a 100-word author biography and high-resolution author photo.

Abstracts should be sent to AIRAH conference organiser Emily McLaughlin by Friday 25 November 2016. Email:

By Andrew Williams

Nov 09, 2016, 14:59

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