REI-TECH case study selected for presentation at ATMOsphere Asia 2015

By Pilar Aleu, Jan 27, 2015, 17:10 1 minute reading

The ATMOsphere Review Panel has selected a REI-TECH case study evaluating the operation of low-charge R290 plug-in display cases installed in Gunma, Japan to be presented at the upcoming ATMOsphere Asia 2015, which will take place from 3-5 February in Tokyo, Japan.

Numerous HVAC&R industry leaders will attend the 2nd edition of ATMOsphere Asia (3-5 February 2015, Tokyo) to showcase their most innovative products and present their latest projects in the field of natural refrigerants for several applications including commercial & light commercial, industrial and transport refrigeration, heat pumps and air-conditioning. Focused on propane (R290), REI-TECH will analyse their latest findings using R290 plug-in showcases by AHT Cooling Systems at Save On stores.

Plug-in Hydrocarbon Showcase: Natural refrigerants for commercial freezers - Introduction and Practical experience by Kazuhiro Tatewaki, REI-TECH

The presentation focuses on R290 plug-in display cases by AHT Cooling Systems that are both eco friendly and energy saving, cutting power consumption by 50% compared to conventional products. The display cases use only 120g of R290, ensuring safety in regards to flammability concerns. REI-TECH has installed AHT plug-in showcases in about 100 Save On stores based in Gunma, which have received high evaluations for energy savings and sustainability. In addition, feedback from an Odoya supermarket in Chiba and Homac-nicot in Tohoku find that the showcases are also convenient, as they require “no work” for installation and maintenance.

About ATMOsphere Asia 2015

ATMOsphere Asia 2015 – “Natural Refrigerants – Solutions for Asia”, returns for its second edition! The conference will bring suppliers, academics, associations, end users and more together to discuss the latest updates on market trends, policy issues and technology innovations. The conference programme will cover a range of applications including commercial, light commercial, industrial and transport refrigeration, heat pumps and air conditioning.

View ATMOsphere Asia 2015 conference programme

To register for the conference, please visit

General information about the event can be found at


By Pilar Aleu

Jan 27, 2015, 17:10

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