Technicians in the Caribbean invest in hydrocarbon technology

By Sabine Lobnig, Sep 14, 2011, 12:26 1 minute reading

Two refrigeration and air-conditioning technicians in the island country of Grenada have invested in hydrocarbon refrigerants and compressors, enhancing the availability of hydrocarbon technology in the local market and other neighboring islands in the Caribbean.

The growing demand for hydrocarbon servicing components has led the two local entrepreneurs in Grenada to invest in the supply of:
  • Hydrocarbon refrigerants: bringing the number of hydrocarbon refrigerant suppliers in the region up to two
  • R600a compressors for the domestic refrigeration sector: according to the local entrepreneur, the R600a compressors are 30 – 40% more energy efficient, quieter, use less refrigerant charge, compared to comparable R134a models. Moreover, they operate at a lower “head” pressure and are expected to have a longer operating life.
The country’s National Ozone Unit praised the initiatives and further encouraged other technicians to get involved in this new and emerging market in Grenada.

Growing demand for HC retrofits following training in natural refrigerants

The two technicians had previously received training in natural refrigerant technology organised by the country’s National Ozone Unit earlier this year (March 2011). Following the training sessions, demand for hydrocarbon servicing components for the retrofit of mobile air-conditioning and unitary split air-conditioning systems with hydrocarbons has been on the rise in Grenada. For several years now, hydrocarbon technology has also been introduced into the domestic refrigeration sector in Grenada.

Training of technicians in hydrocarbon technology is an ongoing process. More recently (July 2011), a technician from Grenada was funded to attend the “International Workshop on Alternative Technologies to HCFCs: Experience in use of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants”, organised by the Cuban Ozone Technical Office. The workshop brought together technicians from several Latin American and Caribbean countries.


In June 2011, the Government of Grenada recently launched the Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) to phase out the consumption of R-22 refrigerants in Grenada. The plan supports the replacement of ozone depleting substances with ozone friendly technologies with low global warming potential such as hydrocarbons.


By Sabine Lobnig

Sep 14, 2011, 12:26

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