World’s first OEM chooses HC refrigerant for vehicles

By Sabine Lobnig, Dec 09, 2010, 10:34 2 minute reading

After 4 years of safe use, the Australian car manufacturer of the OKA brand has gone public to announce that its series of special purpose on/off road vehicles is the first in the world to use HyChill hydrocarbon refrigerants in the air conditioning system. The move is expected to trigger a more objective reassessment of refrigerant choices for vehicle air conditioning.

HyChill is the first hydrocarbon refrigerant brand in the world to be used by a vehicle OEM in the production of vehicles. The Australian manufacturer of the OKA brand has been developing hydrocarbon-based systems for all their new vehicles for four years already. However, HyChill and OKA decided to only go public about this until they had years of safe use under their belt in an OEM context already, “as this limits the options opponents of hydrocarbons have in their likely attempts to discredit or downplay this achievement.”

A breakthrough for hydrocarbon refrigerants in the automotive air conditioning

“This announcement is a huge breakthrough for hydrocarbon refrigerants in the automotive air conditioning sector,” says John Clark, a Director of HyChill Australia. The announcement by HyChill and OKA “demonstrates that awareness and acknowledgement of the real-world evidence that hydrocarbons are both safe and superior in vehicle air conditioning is approaching ‘critical mass’.”

Increased performance, thorough testing

“Compared to fluorinated gas alternatives, the vastly increased chilling performance of HyChill Minus 30EC refrigerant has many advantages for a commercial vehicle manufacturer…using HyChill Minus 30 EC, we can gain performance points without having to increase evaporator or compressor size”, says Andy Granger, Reymer Pty Ltd’s Head of Marketing and Business Development, the manufacturer of OKA trucks and buses.

In addition to the use of hydrocarbons in the “OKA” brand of four wheel drive vehicles, the entire line of European-built AVIA trucks, distributed by Reymer Pty Ltd, will shortly go on sale and will also be equipped with HyChill hydrocarbon refrigerants.

Triggering a more objective reassessment of refrigerant choices for vehicles

The 4 years of experience with hydrocarbon vehicle air conditioning in vehicle production line adds to 20 years of experience with the safe use of hydrocarbons in the automotive service market and is hoped to initiate a more objective reassessment of refrigerant choices for vehicle air conditioning.

The suitability of hydrocarbons in OEM car air conditioning has been overlooked. However, this announcement is expected to trigger “a fresh approach from vehicle manufacturers and policy makers”, with the most innovative manufacturers adopting hydrocarbon refrigerants that can deliver more efficient and more environmentally sustainable air conditioning systems.

A parallel to Greenpeace’s ‘Greenfreeze’ revolution

“Peer-reviewed published research has already verified 20 years of safe use of hydrocarbons in the automotive service market. This announcement by the OKA Australia is a welcome and necessary progression that makes these facts even harder to ignore,” says Clark.

“I would not be at all surprised if this development marked the beginning of the overthrow of this formerly monopolised market, in a similar way that Greenpeace’s ‘Greenfreeze’ revolution did many years ago”, he adds, referring to Greenpeace going into business selling ‘Greenfreeze’ hydrocarbon-based fridges in the 90’s, before hydrocarbons were widely adopted as the industry standard in household refrigerators. 


By Sabine Lobnig

Dec 09, 2010, 10:34

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