Industry urges Australia's new Environment Minister to support HFC phase out

By Sabine Lobnig, Sep 16, 2010, 15:15 2 minute reading

WME Environmental Management News reports that the Green Cooling Association has urged the newly appointed Environment Minister Tony Burke to make the reduction of Australia’s refrigerant emissions an urgent priority.

“New Environment Minister Tony Burke needs to make the reduction of Australia’s refrigerant emissions an urgent priority. All it’s going to take is a small change in the regulations, the introduction of a more effective pricing mechanism and to get the manufacturers to the table to introduce an extended producer responsibility framework along the lines of what has been developed for TVs and PCs. Unfortunately white goods were left out of E-waste disposal, but this now needs to become a priority,” told Green Cooling Association Executive Director Brent Hoare WME Environmental Management News (EMN).

“Minister Burke needs to publicly support the proposed amendment of the Montreal Protocol to include HFCs, and to provide international environmental leadership by ensuring that Australia works to build support to ensure this amendment is passed at the next Meeting of the Parties in Kampala, Uganda on 8-12 November 2010.”

Seven recommended policy measures

In August 2010 already, the Green Cooling Association urged the Federal Government to adopt seven policy measures, including:
  • A phase out of HFC refrigerants over a 10-year period that would reduce emissions equal to about 110 million tonnes of CO2
  • Recognition of natural refrigerants: Ensure energy efficiency strategies for non-domestic refrigeration sectors are based on the recognition that natural refrigerants can be applied with significantly reduced power consumption demand in most applications
  • Support the refrigeration sector to apply natural refrigerants: Support further development of a refrigeration sector able to lead the world in the application of natural refrigerants including air, ammonia, CO2, hydrocarbons and water
  • Support amendment proposals at the Montreal Protocol negotiations to include consumption and production controls on HFCs
  • Actively enforce existing legislation requiring the recovery and destruction of refrigerant gases contained in the bank of existing equipment, and to finalise and implement the review of measures necessary to significantly improve refrigerant recovery and destruction rates in Australia
  • Adequately fund the mechanisms and processes required to achieve this
  • Assist other countries in the region to achieve similar improvements in environmentally responsible management of the existing “banks” of refrigerant in order to achieve climate and ozone protection outcomes

About the Green Cooling Association

In early 2009, and following the collapse of the Green Cooling Council, the Green Cooling Association was formed to promote the interests of the natural refrigerants industry in Australia. With a special focus on improving energy efficiency as part of delivering climate friendly HVAC&R solutions, the Green Cooling Association brings together around 60 individuals with an interest in hydrocarbons, ammonia, and carbon dioxide used as refrigerants. 


By Sabine Lobnig

Sep 16, 2010, 15:15

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